Lifestyle, health, wellness and, men's fashion and beauty.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Zizzi Restaurants l Review l Liam Havard

It was last year when I first discovered the one, the only, Zizzi Restaurants. I always used to read about the food that they did all the time and always used to salivate over the images of it. I always wanted to go there because 1. they did vegan food HELLO and 2. their vegan food looked good so when I went I was pretty happy. I first went to Zizzi on a trip to London with my cousin and since then have gone to the Zizzi in Cardiff. For a while I've been meaning to do a post about my experience with them so here I am living up to my word.

Double sauce.
Single sauce.
My order

I always get three courses when I'm there because I'm a fat bastard, don't judge me. I start off with the garlic bread. You get quite a lot with whole cloves on it which is different. I'll be honest, it's good but I would advise you get some garlic oil for dipping or to pour over. Sure it's garlicky but I think you can handle it. I think without the garlic oil it can be a bit bland apart from the whole cloves you munch on. That's probably personal opinion though.

Now onto the main. Sure Zizzi do other foods like pastas but come on, PIZZA. Let's be real, of course I order their pizza, I'm only human. How can I resist it? It's rarely you find places that do good vegan food but it's even rarer to find places that do vegan pizza so Zizzi already gets a star for being so creative and hospitable for pizza lovers like me.

Started out with a bite and it was a delight, had to go back for more. 

I order the vegan rustica pizza which is a thin pizza base with all the toppings. I'm talking the tomato sauce (which I order double of because it is life) along with vegan cheese which they make themselves and some fresh basil leaves. Plus you get to order three other toppings of your choice as part of the price. There's a nice variety to choose from but what I usually get is fire roasted peppers, sweet balsamic onions and either butternut squash (it's not as weird as it sounds) - or oven roasted garlic cloves (I know I know more garlic, whoever sits next to me is a lucky person LOL). Overall the pizza is kind of sweet but has so much flavour to it, honestly. The only thing to prepare yourself for if you order it is that it can be a little bit sloppy - especially the cheese and sauce. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but maybe you'll want to use a knife and fork instead of your hands.

And last but not least, DESSERT. YAS. They offer one dessert for us vegans and don't quote me on this but I think they have a backup dessert which isn't on the menu. The one that is on the menu is a chocolate and date torte with a walnut base. What can I say about this? Well I have one word for you and it's moist. The dessert is rich in chocolate and is incredibly tasty. Tastes similar to a Ferrero Rocher except it's vegan. I wouldn't say it has much of a base though. It's pretty much just chocolate but I'm not complaining. It also comes with vegan honeycomb and coconut ice cream. Delish.

As for the other dessert they offer (MAY offer. I've had it a few times, once as a backup when they run out of the torte and at that time it wasn't advertised on the menu) - it was a blueberry and banana calzone with chocolate drizzle and coconut ice cream. I hate to say this because I do honestly love Zizzi but this dessert was highly disappointing. The calzone was barely filled with food so it was basically like eating pastry. I'm talking one or two slices of banana and one or two blueberries. The ice cream was good though but the main attraction was a let down. I would advice against ordering it if you are offered. 100% go for the torte if you can.

And that's what I order. Yes it's a truck load of food but it is heavenly. But aside from the food the service is also top notch. The guys and gals are very hospitable and really down to earth. I don't have a bad word to say about them. I definitely recommend going to Zizzi. They're fab.

Restaurant rating: 
What do you think of Zizzis?


Saturday, 26 August 2017

Happy birthday! Why I do what I do.

Sound the alarm because it's my birthday. Well it's the birthday of, but same thing. Either way I think I deserve a birthday present and cake, don't you think? Anyway, happy frikin' bday to you, Blog.

Source: here.
I started blogging over a year ago. That's mad to think. I always said I would start at some point and although it was a while before I plucked up the courage to post anything, I finally got there. One year ago today I took the first steps. One year ago today I did my first post. One year ago today I found a new passion. It's been a joy with lots of ups and downs as you'd expect but mainly ups.

I've really enjoyed the experience blogging offers me and boy does it offer me a lot. For one it's an outlet I get to escape to. Whatever I'm feeling I can always rely on blogging to fulfil me somehow and make me feel accomplished. And I like that feeling of accomplishment so why would I not do it? But it also clears my head since I'm someone who always has so many ideas and thoughts floating around in my head that it gives me a place to share them. Blogging gives me a safe place to creatively express myself, it's a dream. It's like a diary and a magazine all in one. Pretty fucking snazzy.

But not only that, I love love loveeee creating new content whether that's writing something up or whether it's publishing a few images. I've always been drawn to this act of creating things. I think it was in uni a few years ago when I studied a media and journalism degree that I first thought creating content was something I wanted to do. Instagram was my 'go to' for creating content but after a while I knew I wanted something more and Blogger offered me that.

It's been a great ride (what a lame thing to say, I know LOL) and I hope to continue the journey for a long time. I'm putting more time and effort into my blog now and am excited to see where it takes me. I have big plans so stay tuned and join me. And thanks for being a loyal reader. I really appreciate your readership and subscription to liamjhavard. You're an absolute doll!

Now to play Will.I.Am's 'It's my birthday' because cheeeeese!

What do you love about blogging?

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Hairspray The Musical, Cardiff

Hey Kids,

A show and a half, Hairspray Live is all fun and games. I was a lucky boy last week as I got the chance to see it in the Millennium Centre, Cardiff. It was a Christmas present from my cousin who I live with so a special shout-out and thanks to you, Lucy!

Source: here.
Hairspray being one of my favourite musicals you can only imagine how excited I was to see the musical live in show - but according to my cousin I showed no excitement in my facial expressions at all. Not before, or during the performance. Resting bitch face problems!

I've seen the DVD a dozen times over and I can honestly say it is a great watch. Lucy knew I loved it so couldn't resist treating me to the renowned show. It was on a Saturday afternoon that we went. We got up nice and early for the train ride by which I mean 9.30am (such a drama queen) and then ahead of the show we had a cheeky three course meal at Zizzi's which was fab-u-lous before heading to the centre for the matinee performance.

When we got to the centre it was packed, people were everywhere in site. I didn't realise how popular the show actually was. I was hoping to have the luxury of not having people sit around me because I'm anti-people and although that didn't happen the two seats in front of me were empty so I got to put my feet up. Was lovely.

The show did all the famous songs you'd expect from the film including my favourite 'Welcome to the 60s' amongst others like 'Good Morning Baltimore' and much more. They even included an extra song or two that I'd never heard; one being from an added scene where Traci went to jail. Bless her. Overall the music was great and featured a live band on stage so was as lively as it could have been. The singing by the cast was on point and really got the audience energised. You couldn't help but sing along. Well I mimed because I'm a shy little boy.

Amongst the singing there was also a lot of dancing as you'd expect. It was a big'ol gay fest, I was in my element. The dancing however wasn't the main focus of the musical unlike the dialogue and singing. The dancing was pretty basic apart from the occasional flip that they threw in to jazz things up - but still was thoroughly enjoyable. How would I describe the dancing? I'd say it was cute.

Any standout scenes you ask? WELL they did have one cheeky scene and when I say cheeky, it was naughty. So you know the bit in the film where Seaweed rescues Penny from being tied up at a home and then they go into the song 'Without Love' -  well Seaweed basically started humping Penny in bed during this song. Totally not as PG as the film but was pretty fun LOL.

Honestly it was a great watch and I highly recommend going to see it if you haven't booked already. They're not in theatres for long so grab tickets whilst you can...and if there's actually any left. Fingers crossed.

Have you seen Hairspray the Musical? Tell. Me. All.


Related links:

Monday, 21 August 2017

Body Image and Social Media

Hey Treacle,

It's been a while since we've last spoken. I know, I know I'm terrible. Life got in the way a little but hey I'm back in action now and for this post I wanted to talk about the relationship between body image and social media. It's something I'm quite passionate about and I can without a doubt say social media (SM) effects all of us in one way or another and when it comes to body image the results can be disastrous.

For many including myself SM creates pressure to look a certain way. It creates unrealistic expectations about body image. It's hard to not react negatively to SM at times when all you see is images of people with 'perfect' bodies. When you're scrolling through Insta and see post after post of guys and gals with ripped abs and a sexy booty you sometimes can't help but think 'I want that'. It's a normal reaction. The same goes for images seen on Twitter, Facebook and more.

It's tricky, right? You can't avoid it - unless you decide to delete all of your SM accounts and live under a rock. But for most of us, that's not an option. And really you shouldn't hide from it as there's no need. The goal here is to put things into perspective and think realistically. The images you're lusting over are not all black and white even though it seems like that. Let's break this down.

1. These people showing off their extreme bodies have gone through a lot to get them like that and maintaining them is just as hard as getting them to that extreme. If you haven't thought about this, think about how strict their diets are and how much they exercise. It's more stress than necessary but they do it for the purpose of looking 'good'. They don't eat doughnuts and their life is counting their steps. Where's the fun in that? Do you really think they're enjoying life to the full? Probably not. So although it seems like they have the perfect body it doesn't mean they have the perfect life. A well sculpted body doesn't = a happy life. Something to remember.

2. For some of the people in the images staying fit, healthy and lean is their life. Literally. They may be endorsed by companies or work with companies to look that way. Think fitness bloggers and athletes. Their job is to workout consistently and eat a certain way like their life depends on it because in a way it does. They have to look like that to make the dollar. You however don't. You shouldn't let the images bother you because hey your job isn't to look like that!

3. It doesn't take a genius to know that images aren't all what they seem. With photo editing tools readily available to all of the public from the likes of Instagram editing to Photoshop, free to paid for, anyone can get their hands on these tools. And with photo editing comes a layer of fakeness, right? Those photos you see everyday aren't all that they seem.

Those abs you see, well how do you know they weren't added in? That booty, how do you know it wasn't just expanded? Those biceps, how do you know a little lighting didn't make them pop. My point is you should take what you see with a pinch of salt because you don't know these people and what they are capable of. This stuff happens so don't let it get you down because what you're seeing might not be reality so don't wish for something that isn't real.

4. The images you see thrown at you from every angle is just one ideology. Just because the media is saying that type of body is the most beautiful doesn't mean it is. They're just one entity with that viewpoint; they don't define everyone else's interests and attractions.

What needs to change is how you see your body. You need to learn to love yourself because you are your own person and you should do you. And I'm not saying it's easy, heck I'm no expert in self-love but you've just got to remind yourself that you're beautiful because you are. We all have our insecurities so it's not easy but you should remember the divide between reality and social media images. Don't let it get you down because that shit ain't worth it. Now go flaunt it!

Liam x

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Headspace: Take 10. What I thought.

Mediation, we've all heard about it but do enough of us do it? The benefits of it are said to be amazing including lowered stress, better concentration and feeling happier. I decided I would test out these ideas by giving meditation a try. Headspace, an app that guides you into the practice offers what they call "Take 10", a 10 day guided meditation course for free. I took it for a whirl. Here's how I found it.

Source: here.
The goals:
  • To lessen my anxiety
  • To feel less stressed
  • To feel happier
  • To test meditation as a coping mechanism to calm me
The reality:

So I went into this whole thing with an open mind and not much expectation. I've done meditation once or twice before but that is literally all, I could never commit. This time round I was ready to take 10 minutes out of my day for 10 days and see what happened. 

I downloaded the app and did everything I was told to do by the man guiding me via voice through the Headspace app. His name was Andy. He was nice. He explained the process of meditation, how it would make me feel and how to get the most out of it. Good info needed for inexperienced meditators like me.

I took each day as it came starting with day 1 which was probably the hardest day. The first few days I was pretty distracted to be fair. I don't know if you're like me but my mind wanders off like no bloody tomorrow. PIZZA. FRIES. DISNEYLAND. PUGS. ZAC EFRON. You name it, I think it. You get where I'm going with this; I think...A LOT. But Andy assured me that if I was thinking a lot during my meditation time not to worry because each day I practice meditation it will lessen. Phew I thought. There was hope for me. But nevertheless the first few days were tricky.

The one thing I wasn't liking about meditation to start off with is how I was giving my mind time to think about my worries. If anything, I wanted to run away from them and not give myself time to think about them. Why in the heck would I want to do that? Are you crazy Andy?! But heck I soldiered on in the hope meditation would calm my fears.

As time went along and we moved onto day 5 I could see I was getting a little less distracted, not enormous amounts let's be realistic, but a little is better than none. I started to appreciate the practice of meditation more and taking time out for as little as 10 minutes a day to clear my mind. It was a good feeling. I did still occasionally get distracted during my zen time thinking about veggie dogs n'all sorts but the time I wasn't thinking about them I was calm. It was great. I was actually feeling calm, for real. This was a big deal as I am the least calm person you'll ever meet. Heck Andy was doing a good job.

In my final few days I realised meditation was really a skill to hone. It wasn't easy just sitting there for 10 minutes everyday trying to think about nothing, it really took patience. I did it though. By the end of the 10 days I enjoyed meditation and looked forward to my Take 10 sessions, it was great. I knew what I was doing towards the end and relied less on Andy's guidance because I knew what to expect and I brushed up on my meditation skills by then.

Remaining thoughts

Headspace was enjoyable and gave me some clarity and calm in my life, but I wouldn't say to a drastic measure. It offered me calm a few minutes out of the 10 minute session and a few minutes after the session, but that was about as far as it went. I think if I were to subscribe to the app and keep practicing meditation it would be more beneficial because I would have practiced how to meditation properly for the full benefit. Overall I found the whole process of meditation and using Headspace good but you need to have patience with the process because the benefits don't come into play overnight.

Have you used Headspace before?


Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Top vegan food to order in Yo Sushi!

Yo Sushi! I can't quite get enough of it. Cheap, quick and tasty and you can order as much as you want without the waiter looking at you funny because you only get little plates. Keep it coming I say! Really good food that is Asian inspired and there's plenty of these restaurants about to dine in. I never really change my order here because what I normally order doesn't get old. You can't say that about many dishes! Here's what I order when I visit Yo Sushi! and what I recommend you try out too.

1. Vegetable gyozas

To start off with why not try the vegetable gyozas? Only a small dish but enough to wet the appetite. The gyozas come as a set of three and are full of flavour like soy and ginger. You're sure to want to get more as it's so tasty and really tastes like what you'd hope good Asian food would taste like. They're always piping hot so if you have the willpower, give it a minute to cool down.

2. Cucumber nori 

Next, try out the cucumber sushi which is a set of 6 small seaweed rolls, sushi rice and small pieces of cucumber. Light and refreshing and great with soy sauce. A little on the sweet side, but not overboard.

3. Vegetable firecracker rice

A personal favourite, the firecracker rice packs a kick sure to give you a foodgasm. No really. Packed with flavour and mild heat, the dish comprises of sticky rice, carrot, spring onion, sesame seeds and more. Moist and fulfilling, the dish is sure to put a smile on your face. Try at least two of these dishes if you want to feel full up.

4. Vegetable yakisoba noodles

To end the dinner date, try out the vegetable noodles, a perfect comfort food. Packed with ginger as well as spring onion, carrot and red pepper. The meal is a party in your mouth. I'd suggest to keep a napkin nearby as it is a little on the oily side though, but totally worth it.

And that's what I highly recommending eating. Who said finding tasty vegan food was hard?! Let me know below what you order at Yo Sushi! when you go. As a massive fan of the food, I'd love to hear.


Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Prezzo: Review

It was in a recent visit that I went to Prezzo to eat out. Full of expectation as the new restaurant opened nearby and ready to eat to my heart's desire. How did it go? Well... *awkward pause*

I always go to new restaurants with an open mind but I always have a level of expectation. I like basic customer service, a clean setting and good relatively inexpensive food. I don't think that's too much to ask. Well on this recent visit to Prezzo (which I've never visited before) I got only one of my expectations fulfilled: the cleanliness. As for everything else, it was an utter disappointment.

Let's start with the food. Off the very limited choice of vegan food, I ordered the bruschetta to start and the courgette pappardelle as a main. The starter to my surprise was anything but bruschetta. I'm a massive fan of bruschetta and if I'm right it's toasted ciabatta with chopped tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. What I got was two pieces of hard toast with some non-cut cherry tomatoes and a limited amount of pesto. Yum...not. It was a real shame as brushetta is one of my favourite starters to eat in a restaurant. This was not off to a good start. As for the main, it was a pasta dish made up of courgette, cherry tomatoes, onion, chilli, garlic and herbs in a pomodoro sauce. Sounds nice, right? Sadly it was not. It tasted like a cheap microwave meal just with a hefty price tag. It was a shame as I was really looking forward to it. It lacked taste and was very sickly and Prezzo overkilled it with far too much courgette. I like courgette as much as the next person, but there's a limit!

The customer service though, you're thinking that must have been good surely. Well I would have told you about the customer service should I have got any. My friend and I were not only greeted with a grumpy face, but we didn't even get a basic hello on arrival from the senior staff worker. This worker seated us, but did not do it with a smile or show any interest in us being there. If anything, it felt like we were an inconvenience. After he seated us he did not come back to check on how we found our food and there was no basic customer service. A real shame.

Overall a pretty poor visit but well done to Prezzo for being so consistent at ignoring my friend and I and having no manners. As for the food, it spoke for itself. A little more effort put into the food and it could have been something really nice. Let's hope in time Prezzo prove us all wrong and give outstanding service and food. Here's to dreaming!

Restaurant rating: 

What do you think of Prezzo?


Monday, 15 May 2017

Mental Illness is not a joke

From mugs saying 'obsessive cat disorder' on it to be people describing each other as anorexic, the conversation surrounding mental health has taken a turn for the worst. No wonder people have a fear speaking up about their own mental health issues when this sort of conversation encourages people to stigmatise psychiatric illnesses.

Source: here.
Speaking up about any illness is hard for sure, but the thing about mental illness is that it receives a lot of stigma. Who would want to speak up about their illness when they might face some sort of prejudice like this? But where is this stigma coming from? Well I have one suspicion and it's from society's conversation! You hear it again and again; people using mental illnesses as adjectives and as jokes. Silly really. Something like:

"You're so OCD"
"She's so anorexic"
"You're so bipolar sometimes"
"She's absolutely schizo"
"I'm depressed"
"I'm going to kill myself if...happens"

It's this sort of ignorance that encourages stigmatisation. It's this sort of ignorance that proves how uneducated society really is. It's a shame because I'm sure a lot of people don't mean to cause offence but they really do. Using a mental illness as an adjective to describe something is not okay and needs to end. It dumbs down mental illness as being a joke, maybe even made up.

How? Well you're not acting as if you're OCD, you're just being a little more obsessive than normal. That person isn't annorexic, they're just skinny or don't eat much often. No you're not bipolar, you're happy today and were sad yesterday. And no you certainly aren't depressed, you're just stressed or sad - and that unlike some mental illnesses will pass. 

This conversation dumbs down how serious mental illness really is and is so offensive on so many levels. Making comments like this makes it seem like mental illness is nothing, no big deal, like it's just something silly or dare I say cute in some scenarios like being obsessive (OCD). Someone please explain to me how anything about this issue is cute or silly as I can't quite see it myself.

But it gets worse. Not only is the literal conversation bad but now stores have made it into a profit-driven industry. You can buy merchandise like 'obsessive cat disorder' mugs which are an obvious spinoff of someone diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Nothing about this is okay. These mugs makes a joke out of an illness which faces so much stigma only to add to it as being nothing more than a personality trait. Let's make it clear that mental illness is not a personality trait, it is an illness. Yes you can't see it but it's real. Your brain is an organ just like any other and can get ill with psychiatric illnesses just like another organ can get ill with something else. Please do some research before you go to describe yourself as OCD or depressed like it's no big deal.

Where does the problem lie? Education. If there was proper education on mental illness in schools and the workplace people would understand mental illness as being a real thing and not a way to describe themselves. And if the education was informative, maybe people would think twice before buying into an industry making money out of joking around about it i.e. the merchandise I mentioned.

It's a shame society has come to this. If you feel the same as me, comment below and join in the conversion because #MentalIllnessIsNotAJoke.



Sunday, 7 May 2017

A Gentleman's guide to grooming

Grooming is that one thing we all have to get around to doing as part of our daily or weekly routine. Even though a little tedious, it's got to be done. But what's it take to be a well groomed gentlemen? Well I've learnt a thing or two about this by now since I've developed from a 'no facial hair man' to a...little bit of facial hair man. GOODBYE PUBERTY. So here I am passing on what I know. They say you can tell a lot about a man by how he grooms himself so to look the part let me tell you what you've got to do. It's a simple as 1, 2, 3 and doesn't take very long so let's get started.

1. Exfoliate

I can't emphasise how important it is to exfoliate your facial skin prior to shaving or trimming. It does wonders for cleaning your hairs up as it creates a nicer slate to shave and trim on. According to Gilette, if you don't exfoliate, old skin cells, oil and dirt might be matting down facial hair and blocking your razors path. Yikes.

I use Cup O'Coffee exfoliater by Lush Cosmetics.

2. Trim/Shave

This one is a bit obvious but you're going to need a tool to do the deed with. Duh. Invest in a good quality razor or trimmer to get the best experience possible. It might cost a few bob, but it's a jolly good investment.

I use the Philips QT4000/13 trimmer for trimming and Gilette razors for a full shave.

3. Coconut oil/moisturiser

All this grooming isn't the easiest on skin so to keep your money maker in check, post shave you need something to rehydrate your skin with since it loses moisture during shaves and trims.

  • Trim: You've heard it again and again, coconut oil is glorious. It has so many uses and there's always someone talking about its benefits. It's especially great for grooming in that it softens and hydrates facial hair. Perfect for post trim to keep your beard sparkling. Massage into the follicles and prepare to be amazed.
  • Shave: Probably more important to hydrate than trimming after a shave as shaving strips away moisture and leaves skin feeling dry and dehydrated. Grab yourself a non oily moisturiser, something like Enzymion from Lush Cosmetics which is what I use post shave.
4. Tea tree

To end the grooming affair, dab or spray on some tea tree water onto where you shaved or groomed. This is to prevent any outbreaks in the skin. Happens to the best of us when we shave; spots just come out in full force. So to prevent this, the antibacterial elements in tea tree will stop spots in their tracks.

What's your grooming routine like?


Night Time Music Playlist

Music is great, right? There's something for everyone. Music that makes you laugh; music that makes you cry; music that makes you dance and even music that helps you to chill out and even fall asleep. The latter applies best to me as I use music mostly to help me chill out, wind down and fall asleep to. Of course I love a cheeky boogie to music too though. But for the purpose of this post I'm going to give you my favourite songs to chill out and also fall asleep too. Maybe you'll find something you like or maybe you'll recognise some of these.

1. Skinny Love by Bon Iver

2. Holocene by Bon Iver

3. Candles by Daughter

4. Youth by Daughter

5. To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

6. Angels by The xx

7. Hey Now by London Grammar

8. Higher Love by James Vincent McMorrow

9. Naked as we came by Iron & Wine

10. Me by The 1975

A massive shoutout to Spotify for having such a wide diverse of music on offer. If it wasn't for me purchasing a subscription with them I wouldn't have come across some of these songs or found a passion for music. Kudos to them for helping me wind down.

Most of the songs I've listed are by mostly indie or alternative artists, but I've always found non-mainstream music artists to know a thing or two about the art of chilling out. Yes they often offer other music genres too but they always have a song or two in an album that makes you want to grab a cup of tea and curl up in bed to it. Am I right?

The artists I've listed are mainly modern and all apart from one or two are fairly well known which goes to show that you can still make great music no matter how famous you get. And as for the less well known artists like Iron & Wine and James Vincent McMorrow they both do a good job as independent music creators. Here's to great music!

What's your favourite songs to wind down to? Let me know below!


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Featuring blue.

Another day, another outfit to wear. Following a Primark haul I found a complete outfit that was perfect for a warm day in the land of Swansea. It was blue, bold and light and something I don't normally wear but like other fashion enthusiasts I like to experiment. Take a look below.

The shirt I wore was very light and short sleeved and let me show off my guns aka what my momma gave me. It featured a pelican and plant design on a blue background. With this I wore a pair of skinny light blue jeans and blue slip on shoes. Sensing a theme? Blue was the look I was going for. It's not my typical look as I normally like blue to be one of many colours in an outfit, not the only colour but the different varieties of blue worked well. The shirt pattern also added a bit of sparkle and who doesn't like sparkle?! Not me.

I wore this as a casual spring outfit and can't really see it as being anything more than that. It's suited for beach walks, shopping and a lunch date, but not really evening or formal wear but add some black skinny jeans and a pair of boots and maybe it could be.

Showing off some ankle in this outfit...cheeky.

 What I wore:
  • Shirt - Primark, £7
  • Jeans - Primark, £10
  • Shoes - Primark - £12
Total cost: £29
What do you think of this outfit?


Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Top 5 binge worthy TV shows on Netflix

Netflix: everyone's guilty pleasure. If you're happy, you watch it. If you're sad, you watch it. Maybe you're bored, maybe you're excited, whatever you're feeling Netflix has something to suit your mood and preferred genre. It's great, isn't it? A cheap subscription with lots of binge worthy TV that keeps you coming back. I personally L - O - V - E Netflix with all my heart, I even have it on in the background as I type this blog post right now #addicted. If you love it as much as me, read on as I tell you the top 5 binge-worthy TV shows to watch on it right now.

1. Once Upon a Time

The cheesiest most dramatic show but a great one that recreates the stories of fairy tale characters. If you're a Disney fanatic, you'll surely love this show as it tells the story of love and good vs evil with characters like Elsa, Snow White and Ariel making an appearance. And let's not forget Captain Hook and Prince Charming who are easy on the eyes who are enough of a reason to tune in.

Watch if you like: Disney films and fairy tales.

2. Sense 8

Sense 8 is a unique show that connects 8 less than ordinary men and women across the globe by making them fight for their lives. This team of 8 uncover new powers that connects each of their minds and skills to each other but a team of different people see these 8 people as high risk. A tense and very fast show. Perfect for anyone with a nerdy side to them.

Watch if you like: Travellers.

3. Grace and Frankie

A lighthearted comedy show that joins two couples in an adventure in America.

Two men, one that dated Grace and the other, Frankie end up divorcing these women for each other as they discover they are in fact gay. This complicated dynamic sees Grace and Frankie try to work out their new relationship with the men but also sees Grace and Frankie come together as partners in crime. A hilarious show best suited for those looking for something easy to watch.

Watch if you like: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and You, Me, Her.

4. 13 Reasons Why

A daring show, one like no other that will have you making 'oo' and 'ah' noises every episode. Very dark, the show sees the aftermath a young girl named Hannah Baker makes after she commits suicide. By leaving tapes for people you see why and who caused Hannah to come to such drastic measures. Not for the faint hearted.

Watch if you like: Riverdale.

5. Riverdale

One for those that don't want to use many brain cells, Riverdale follows a town in their venture to uncover the murder of the town's high school football captain. Full of drama and scenes that make you go "NO WAY" Riverdale will have you gripped from episode 1.

Watch if you like: 90210 and 13 Reasons Why.

What are some of your favourite shows on Netflix right now?


Friday, 21 April 2017

Essential Daytime Spring Clothing

Another season, another set of fashion. With Spring just arrived it's time to dust off some of the old clothes we've not worn for the past year and think about new clothes to buy. But what is some spring 2017 staple wear?

An absolute classic, the bomber jacket is a must have for every spring season. Normally worn in autumn but not anymore as designers have made this overwear lighter for the spring and summer season. The bomber jacket can be worn with most outfits seeing as it offers a simple clean cut design and iconic collar and cuffs so is well worth investing in. A 90s favourite, this cool jacket is the ultimate casual wear.

Another timeless piece is the denim jacket which is great for spring as it's naturally light and works well with other denim pieces like jeans which are worn regularly by many of us. Like the bomber it works well as a daytime piece and offers great spring vibes with it's light blue colour, but smartens things up with it's distinctive buttons verse the zip design of a bomber. Definitely a keeper. Team it up with a pair of black skinnies and a shirt for a t-total look. From being worn by James Dean and Bruce Springsteen back in the day to now worn by the rich, poor, famous and working class the jacket suits everyone and offers universal appeal.

In contrast to the jackets, an orange long sleeve shirt is bold and daring but has been a trend of 2017. A great trend indeed, the orange shirt is certainly one to watch out for it's smart casual look. The silhouette is versatile and great for putting you in that great spring mood. Perfect for those summer evening when you have one too many ciders at the pub.

A different trend is stripe clothing. Unlike the orange shirt this trend has stuck around for the past few years and doesn't seem to be going anytime soon. In fact, every year there seems to be more and more stripe and nautical themed clothing appearing. A light stripe jumper is a must have in every man and woman's wardrobe this spring 2017. A little on the casual side in comparison to the orange shirt but nonetheless a dapper choice.

Similarly a camo t shirt is also casual and a great piece to have in the wardrobe. Unlike  the other trends, the camo trend died down over the past few years but seems to be making a comeback. Unlike the other clothing, people won't be able to see you in this (couldn't resist #corny).

Last but not least, a pair of Vans trainers. Who can say no to these? A staple for effortless casual wear. The old school trainers go well with nearly all outfits so you really can't go wrong. Black being the best colour for its versatility.

What do you think are spring staples for the wardrope?



Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Benefits of exercise

The majority of us workout to get a brand spanking new body, right? But when the results take a while to appear it can demotivate us. We want that physique so badly that when it takes too long to come around we just don't want to carry on. Happens to the best of us (I've certainly been there). But what if we saw exercise differently and put less focus on getting a nice sexy aesthetic and more focus on the other benefits exercise offers? It's the perfect way to make carrying on that little bit easier whilst we wait to evolve into Mr and Mrs sexy.

Source: here.

1. Routine
Routine is so important and exercise gives us the perfect dose of it. Starting each day off right with a nice bit of cardio or weight lifting helps to fill the day and keep us busy.

2. Hobby
The gym is a sport and a sport is a hobby. You're no longer that person who has no hobbies, you're a gym goer and you should be proud!

3. Strength Increases
There's nothing more exciting for an ego than knowing you've gotten a little bit stronger. Who cares about how you look when your guns can lift 150lbs?!

4. Fitness Level
No more seeing those walks up the stairs as Mt Everest. All this exercise means you're fit enough to tackle what the world gives you and climb each step with ease. Phew.

5. Physical Health
We all know it; exercising is good for us and in so many ways. It helps to prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoarthritis and much more! Working out is a natural and free way to look after your body.

6. Mental Health
Endorphins, endorphins, endorphins. That's exactly what exercise gives us. It fills you up with happy hormones and makes you shine a little brighter. That's what I'm talking about!

7. Energy
Who needs that drink of coffee in the morning when you can get a natural energy boost and high from exercise? We all struggle to stay awake at times but luckily exercise has got your back.

8. Sleep
Sure exercise helps to keep you awake but it also helps send you to sleep. Getting to sleep when you have an overactive mind is a struggle, that is unless you exercise regularly then it's a piece of cake.

If you struggle to stay consistent at exercise because you're not seeing results, remember what else exercise does for you. Now put those guns up because you're a rock star!

What does exercise do for you?


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Las Iguanas: Vegan food

Ahhh Las Iguanas Swansea, the place I go to so often that they know my name and my order when I arrive. Yes really. They have even called me that "lovely vegan boy" because I'm there so often! I am a true regular so you can guess that I highly recommend going there if you're thinking about it and can handle the spice. But say you do go, what are you going to order? Well sit back and put on your seat belt as I tell you what my favourite vegan food is to order in Las Iguanas that you'll end up enjoying too.

I like to start off with a cheeky dish of Holy Guacamole, usually to share (sadly) but this could be a dish for one if you don't like sharing, like me! It comes with corn tortilla chips, guacamole, red onions, chopped tomatoes and parsley. Mix all this together before dipping your chips in and you're in for a treat. That's a promise! It's very flavourful and super creamy. I've never had guacamole so creamy before. You get the perfect portion size to satisfy your hunger whilst you wait in suspense for the main.

As for the main, I recommend ordering the veggie chilli, made vegan, along with vegan refried beans and tortilla wraps. Why so much? Well if you haven't worked it out already, it's to make mini enchiladas, not just to be greedy. Sadly Las Iguanas only do vegetarian enchiladas and not vegan ones, so to make up for it add the rice, chilli and beans into the four wraps and it's like you're having the vegetarian enchiladas. Perfecto!

The chilli is made with butternut squash and chickpeas in a spicy tomato sauce and comes with spring onion rice. The portion size is fairly generous so you're going to leave with one full belly. The wraps and refried beans equally taste just as good and compliment the chilli dish very well. I advocate not eating much before this meal because it is a serious dose of carbocide that is going to fill you right up. This is my favourite meal to order. There is a ridiculous amount of flavour and you get so much for your money. I spend roughly around £10/£12 each time. Plus the staff are always so friendly. A massive shout-out for the Las Iguanas team in Swansea for always being so hospitable, so friendly and always knowing who I am! They create a great atmosphere whilst serving great food. Well done Guys!

What's your favourite dish at Las Iguanas?

Restaurant rating: 


Monday, 10 April 2017

Springtime clearout: No more hoarding

It's that time of year when we look to do some spring cleaning and throw out the things we've hung onto for far too long. For those of us that hoard, it's not the easiest task to do. Heck it's a sensitive subject. In this post, I look at why we need to stop hoarding and what I'm throwing out as part of my spring clear out in association with Satsuma Loans.

If like me you hang onto items then you know the struggle of giving them up. It becomes so easy to keep things that have built up over the years even though they might not be used or utilised in any way. Even with this being the case, sometimes giving them up doesn't seem like an option. These items might have significant meaning or they may have value, maybe even have a memory or they may not mean anything at all. This makes things difficult, but if you're holding onto items and not taking advantage of them, even looking at them, then what is the point? I'm no doctor, but if this sounds like you then you might be suffering with a hoarding disease. I self diagnosed myself with this condition earlier this week and I want to do something about it. I want to stop hoarding, what about you?

But how do you do it? Well ask yourself these simple questions:
  • Have I used this item in the last 6 months?
  • Is this item in a good condition?
  • Do I plan to use this item in the next week?
  • Do I like this item enough to let it take up space?

If you answer no to any of these questions, chances are you don't need that item. And chances are you don't really want it. In that case, find the willpower in you, grab a bin bag and put it in there to throwout or give to charity. You'll find it liberating and heck who doesn't want to feel liberated? I'm not saying it's easy because hoarding is part of who some of us are, but it has to be done *insert sad emoji*.

Let's be realistic now. That piece of clothing you might wear you probably won't so don't let that 'maybe' rule your life. That book or old school textbook you've convinced yourself to read - well you haven't read it since school so what makes you think you will now? Those birthday cards you've saved over the years are nothing more than pieces of card taking up space and you're never going to read them again. And that souvenir...well you see where I'm going with this. They're unnecessary items.

To prove that I'm not all 'talk', let me share with you what I'm giving up:
  • A large mason jar that I said I'd make cocktails in that has stayed on my kitchen counter gathering dust for the past year
  • Old school textbooks from over 7 years ago that I promised myself that I would read them but have been nothing more than decorations next to my bed
  • A quirky trolley and dustbin stationary holder that have held nothing more than dust
  • An electric plasma ball and fibre optic lamp that I said I'd put on every single night but instead both have stayed in their box for far too long
  • Vases; cuddly toys; postcards; souvenirs and more

See, if I can do it so can you! Believe in yourself and be a better you. I know, I know how inspirational of me. I feel like the Martin Luther King of hoarding #ChangeWillCome. But really, hoarding is a dangerous path that takes you into a land of junk. Sounds crowded, right? Correct. Imagine how much stuff you'll have if you don't quit these bad habits now. Not pretty. But imagine how refreshed and cleansed you'll feel by letting go of all these things. I know I'm going to feel better when I take my things to charity.

 Here's to spring clear-out of 2017! Let me know how you get on.

What items have you hoarded that you're going to get rid of this spring?


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