I'd like to answer that question by saying I've been sipping mocktails on the white sandy beaches of Barbados, or that I've been travelling Western Europe (total Friends reference). I'd like to answer that question with some sort of interesting story of where I've been, but sadly I've just been ill. I'm not talking the normal kind though; I'm talking like really ill as in really really REALLY ill. Worse than man flu kind of ill. Yeah,
that extreme (I hope one of you is playing a tiny violin at this story). It was all because of some new medication I was put on by my doctor, but thankfully my body has regained its strength back (about time). Liam 1 Meds 0.
I'm relieved to be back in action; it got me down that I couldn't devote time to my blog. Being offline for so long means I've got lots to write about; my hands are aching to create post, so stay tuned.
Bed rest was made 10 times better in my astronaut jumper! |
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