1. VondelPark
A city break is not a city break without visiting some local greenery so it would be a shame to miss a walk through VondelPark. Not only is it a really pretty park, but it is also quite a big one so it's perfect for late night strolls. Lakes, grass and trees everywhere, perfect for an Instagram selfie!
2. A Coffeeshop
For a serious culture shock, visit a coffeeshop. If you're weed friendly or 420 friendly as you cool kids say, then I highly recommended taking a pitstop to one because it's an experience like no other. Be sure to look for a "coffeeshop" and not a "coffee shop" though because they're two completely different things! If you're brave enough, you will find one every 15 seconds or so you walk through the city. No exaggeration, they are everywhere.
3. The Anne Frank Museum
This one is certainly a tear jerker and probably the activity that I recommend the most. The Anne Frank House will feel surreal as you get to see see where her and her family and some others hid for three months.
You'll see the markings that Anne's father, Otto, made on walls when he measured his children. You'll see the secret bookcase that hid the families. You'll see Anne's diary entries where she wrote about her experience. There will be a lot to see and it will really hit home what Amsterdam went through during WWII. An unforgettable experience.

4. Sex Museum
You knew I'd say this one; it's Amsterdam, of course I was going to! Maybe not the most educational experience, but it's certainly a funny one. Saying that, they have some pretty extraordinary art work in them too. Protect yourself though, there's penises everywhere. See what I did there?

5. Wander the canals
For some down time, wander the many, many, many canals that this city has to offer and take in the beauty of Amsterdam. You'll come across a lot of cool stuff like wonky buildings, house boats and incredible architecture, on top of the already beautiful sites of the canals.
What would you do in Amsterdam?
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